If you’re reading this right now you likely got here by one of the following three scenarios:

1) You are a possible prospective job opportunity checking me out to see if I’m worth interviewing/hiring.

2) You are a fan of my creations. If this is the case, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Trust me, I know there are a lot of talented folks out there, so I’m touched you’d even dip your toes in my small inch of cyberspace.

3) You got lost on your way to youtube.com and Google autogenerated the rest of your URL for you. In this case I am super sorry as nothing here will be as engaging as funny cat videos.

Statistically, I’m already losing you as an audience member (casual reading is at a three-decade low) so I’ll try to get straight to the point:

In a digital era, we have to make perceptions and judgment calls on people we’ve never met. It all feels so impersonal, no? I created this so you could get to know me. It won’t have all the details, just a few that might point you in the right direction of who I am.

So how does one begin to summarize decades of living? Well, let me streamline it by saying “I feel you”. That’s my way of saying that probably 90% of those thoughts and feelings that you’ve had in your life, I’ve had too. In fact, it’s what keeps us connected on this wonderful planet.

I’ve been elated, self-conscious, tickled pink, lonely, thankful, depressed, empowered, disillusioned, and more recently, optimistic.

And the remaining 10 percent? Well that’s as unique as a fingerprint. I’m sure you can attest to that.

Life is short, make the most of it. Feel free to poke around or use the contact form to reach out.