a day late.
I meant to write this yesterday (I know, in hindsight that title was quite misleading). Now exactly sure what I want to write, but I hear all knives need sharpening to make a fresh cut across the avocado, and I don’t think writing is an exception. Ok, let’s get started. Where to begin? Anywhere works I guess.
There is so much good music these days… like you can go into a million different Spotify playlists and if that’s still not enough, you can scour the internet for the best DJ sets. I’m sometimes sad that I can’t listen to all of it, but also oddly proud of the human race. I mean, imagine if we COULD digest everything in one sitting of life. The best of the best, crème de la crème, all eaten in a span of a century-long (if you’re fortunate) meal. It would make our accomplishments seem so limited. No, though I might miss out on some amazing guitar rifts or lyrics that shake me to the core, I’m ok with this. It’s a small price to pay to ensure the ship keeps sailing no matter who gets off.
Other random thoughts I’m having lately:
Am I producing?
Am I creating?
Above all… am I contributing?
I sometimes wonder if I’m aiding society or if I just consume. I can start with the obvious consumptions… water, food, etc. etc., but in this case, I mean artistically. I digest so much inspiring content, whether it’s a magazine article, a creative short story, breathtaking film, etc., but I haven’t published anything worthwhile in well over a year.
I guess writing doesn’t have to be on a certain time schedule, nor does it have to be forced, but I feel guilty. Two years ago, I received a book review that while on the surface might seem scathing to the ego, was very meaningful to me (both as a writer and human being). A mixed review of sorts, the person stated that the story collection I submitted to them started off strong and then fell flat. Well, beyond flat. At first, I was embarrassed, then I casually laughed it off (almost too casually to the point of taking it for granted). However, when I took some time away and revisited the words they wrote, all I could feel at that point was gratitude.
I’m not one to publicly post what people send to me privately, but a few lines really resonated with me and I want to share them. I truly hope the original author of these lines doesn’t mind. Ok, here we go:
“In part, my frustration is due to unrealized potential. Opening ourselves up to the strange paradise of the world is important, but the meaning we craft and ascribe to the interactions can be much more critical. The curation is disorienting. The casual encounters leave a lot to be desired. While twists and turns may reflect the confusing nature of the journey itself, the storytelling results in missed opportunities for clear, powerful messages. Reading between the lines, I catch brilliant whispers, but radical self-love and selflessly nurturing and caring for others isn’t depicted per se, at least not in a romantic sense.”
I don’t know about the brilliant whispers part (you were always kind in an academic capacity), but thank you for motivating me to keep writing, especially on a day like this, where it would be so much easier just to give up and move on to something a lot less taxing to the soul. And you’re right about your analysis, spot-on (minus a minor detail or two outside of the writing critique, but who’s counting). I’ll work on it. I’ll get better.
More importantly, I hope all is well in your world. I hope you don’t mind the lack of curation on this post, but they are meant to be brain dumps at best. And if you never read this, just know that I’m rooting for you to accomplish all of your wildest dreams too.